
Are Your Employees Misaligned with Your MSP Business Growth Objectives? Here’s Why and How to Fix It


Key Takeaways

  • Misalignment of employees with MSP business growth objectives can lead to poor performance and a decline in business growth.
  • Identifying the root cause of the misalignment is crucial to finding the right solution.
  • Clear communication, goal setting, and alignment of incentives are some of the solutions to aligning employee goals with organizational objectives.

Are your employees aligned with your MSP business growth objectives? This is a critical question that every MSP business owner should ask themselves. If your employees are not aligned with your business objectives, it can lead to a lack of productivity, poor performance, and, ultimately, a decline in your business growth.

There are several reasons why your employees may be misaligned with your MSP business growth objectives. It could be due to an absence of communication, unclear goals, or a lack of incentives. Whatever the reason, it is important to identify the root cause of the problem and take corrective action.

In this article, I will explore the reasons why your employees may be misaligned with your MSP business growth objectives and provide some great solutions to help you align your team with your business goals. You can also use our checklist to see if your business objectives are aligned with your people and gain a clear understanding of how to align employee goals with your organizational objectives.

Identifying Misalignment in Your MSP Business

As an MSP business owner, it is important to ensure that all employees are aligned with your business growth objectives. In this section, I will discuss how to recognize the signs of employee misalignment and assess its impact on business growth.

Recognizing the Signs of Employee Misalignment

Employee misalignment can manifest in various ways. Some common signs of employee misalignment include:

  • Lack of engagement: Employees who are not aligned with your business growth objectives may lack engagement in their work and show little interest in the company’s success.
  • Poor performance: Misaligned employees may struggle to do their jobs effectively, resulting in poor performance.
  • Negative attitude: Employees who are not aligned with your business growth objectives may have a negative attitude towards the company and its goals.
  • Resistance to change: Misaligned employees may resist changes in the company’s strategy or objectives, hindering progress.

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Assessing the Impact on Business Growth

Employee misalignment can have a significant impact on your business growth. Misaligned employees can hinder progress, reduce productivity, and negatively impact the company’s bottom line. Assessing the impact of employee misalignment on business growth is essential to identify areas that require improvement.

One way to assess the impact of employee misalignment is to track key performance indicators (KPIs) such as revenue growth, customer satisfaction, and employee turnover rates. If these KPIs are not meeting your business growth objectives, it may be an indication of employee misalignment.

In conclusion, recognizing the signs of employee misalignment and assessing its impact on business growth is essential for MSP business owners. By identifying areas that require improvement, you can take steps to align your employees with your business growth objectives and ensure the success of your business.

Checklist to see if your business objectives are aligned with your people:

Aligning people with business objectives is a crucial task for any organization. It requires a thorough analysis of the organizational strategy, current practices, and ideal practices. People alignment and business strategy are not two distinct elements; they are intricately woven and must work together to succeed. Here are some areas you need to consider for a successful alignment:

1. Utilizing employees’ potential:

Are you utilizing your employees’ potential in your organization? Employees are the backbone of any organization, and their potential should be leveraged to achieve organizational goals. You must ensure that your employees are given the right opportunities to grow and develop their skills.

2. Long-term employee satisfaction:

Do you have long-term employees who are excited to work for your organization? Long-term employees are an asset to any organization. They bring in a wealth of experience and knowledge. You must ensure that your employees are satisfied and motivated to work for your organization in the long run.

3. Employee satisfaction and commitment:

Do you have a high degree of employee satisfaction and commitment? Employee satisfaction and commitment are key indicators of a well-aligned organization. You must ensure that your employees are satisfied with their work and committed to achieving organizational goals.

4. Brand ambassadors:

Are your employees your brand ambassadors? Your employees are the face of your organization. They represent your brand to the outside world. You must ensure that your employees are well-trained and demonstrate the highest standard of customer service.

5. Teamwork:

Do your employees work well as a team? Teamwork is crucial for achieving organizational goals. You must ensure that your employees are trained to work well as a team and are encouraged to collaborate and share their knowledge and expertise.

6. Initiative for change:

Do your employees initiate change to improve your organizational performance? Change is inevitable, and your employees must be willing to embrace it. You must ensure that your employees are encouraged to initiate change and are given the right resources to do so.

In conclusion, aligning people with business objectives is a complex process that requires a thorough analysis of the organizational strategy, current practices, and ideal practices. By considering the areas mentioned above, you can ensure that your organization is well-aligned and on the path to success.

Read Also: Scalable Processes: Managing and Keeping Pace with MSP Growth

How to Align Employee Goals with Organizational Objectives?

Aligning employee goals with organizational objectives is critical for the success of any MSP business. Here are some practical steps that leaders and managers can take to ensure that every team member is moving in the same direction:

Setting Clear Growth Objectives

The first step in aligning employee goals with organizational objectives is to set clear growth objectives. Leaders should communicate the company’s vision and strategic objectives clearly and consistently to ensure that every employee understands the organization’s broader aims. Once the company’s objectives are clear, managers can work with their team members to set SMART goals that contribute directly to the organization’s broader aims.

SMART goals are specific enough to provide clear direction, measurable to track progress, achievable yet challenging, relevant to the overall business objectives, and bound by a realistic timeframe. By setting SMART goals, employees can focus on what matters most and stay motivated to achieve their objectives.

Improving Communication and Leadership

Clear communication and effective leadership are critical to aligning employee goals with organizational objectives. Leaders and managers should regularly communicate with their team members to ensure that everyone is on the same page. One-on-one meetings are an excellent opportunity to review goals, provide feedback, and make necessary adjustments. This continuous dialogue ensures that employees remain focused and engaged with their goals, which, in turn, supports the organization’s objectives.

Investing in Employee Development

Creating individual learning plans for team members ensures that professional development is aligned with the MSP’s service offerings and goals. Empowering your employees is a critical step in aligning employee goals with organizational objectives. Leaders and managers should provide opportunities for their team members to learn and grow professionally. This investment in employee development not only supports the employee’s career growth but also helps the organization achieve its goals.

Aligning Individual Goals with Company Vision

Finally, aligning individual goals with the company’s vision is essential for ensuring that every team member is moving in the same direction. Managers should work with their team members to set goals that are aligned with the company’s broader aims. By aligning individual goals with the company’s vision, employees can see how their work contributes to the organization’s success and stay motivated to achieve their objectives.


In conclusion, aligning employee goals with organizational objectives is crucial for the growth of any business, especially for MSPs. The success of any MSP business is heavily dependent on its workforce’s ability to deliver quality services that meet or exceed client expectations. To achieve this, MSPs must ensure that their employees are engaged, motivated, and aligned with the company’s strategic direction through clear communication, collaborative teamwork, employee development, and effective performance management. By setting clear expectations, providing regular feedback, and recognizing and rewarding good performance, MSPs can motivate employees to strive for excellence and achieve their full potential.

If you are looking to build a well-alligned team that values your objectives and works towards achieving them, Get in touch with Dori Spade today. I help train teams and advise MSPs on innovative ways to build a motivated, engaged, and aligned workforce.

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